Spiritual Philosophy: When Forgiveness is Not Applicable

I was thinking about this the other day regarding forgiveness. I’m no Bible thumper. I’m no preacher. I’m just a freethinker who asks a lot of questions because I’m on a QUEST, so don’t SHUN me for simply asking. Usually, I’m a very forgiving and understanding person, but sometimes forgiveness is not applicable. I’m going to explain that in this post right here, so before you vehemently disagree with me please read the entire thing. Then, you can perceive it however you choose to.

A few days ago, this thought came to my mind, “If God forgives everyone, then wouldn’t that mean that there would be no hell, or no one would be in there?” And they say hell is overcrowded. I mean really think about it. If God forgives everyone, then there would be no use for hell, right?

The truth is that hell was never intended for mankind. It was only for the devil and the fallen angels who betrayed God. What if the same dynamic takes place here on Earth when humans become no different from the fallen angels? The Good Book says that “The wicked have no rest lest they destroy another.” The reprobate minds become no different from demons when they CONSCIOUSLY choose to destroy innocent people just for kicks, continuously doing evil, and taking great pleasure from it. That’s why I call them the “soulless ones.”

Here’s my thing about forgiveness. How can you forgive those who’ve never apologized, never felt remorse, and never desire to change? Normally, a person who wronged you will genuinely apologize to you, and you tell them, “I forgive you.” After that, you may either accept them back into your life, or you both go your separate ways peacefully. But what if they never do that? What if they never change? How can we grant forgiveness to those who never intend to change and are continuously hurting others? Or what if they’re actually trying to k i l l you for exposing the truth about them?

The only thing you can do is let them go, move, protect yourself, and not allow yourself to be filled with anger, hatred, resentment, fear, anxiety, or bitterness. This sounds more like detachment than actual forgiveness. You see, just because you don’t forgive someone doesn’t mean you hate them. It means that what they’ve done is so heinous to the point where you begin to question whether or not they even have a soul. Forgiving them will simply go in vain because they view forgiveness as a weakness, and as another opportunity to destroy you.

How can you forgive someone who has permanently chosen to do evil?

In the midst of torture, Yahshua told God to “forgive them for they know not what they do,” and in some cases people really don’t know any better. Once they realize the severity of the damage they’ve caused they will usually repent, but not everyone has a heart like that. What if they DO know and they still don’t care? What if they’re fully aware of what they’re doing, and they enjoy the suffering it brings to others?

Hmm… maybe that’s where hell comes in. Since their thirst for evil-doing can never be quenched neither does the lake of fire that burns the wicked for eternity.

Why do they go there?

Because any ounce of peace they’ve received they only sought to plot harm, and they usually love to destroy good-hearted people because they’re viewed as “easy targets.” Since they love to destroy good people, they will most likely end up in a place where all-that-is-good CANNOT exist lest they repent, but psychopaths usually don’t.

Well, why can’t God just forgive everyone?

Because not everyone is asking for forgiveness.

“How can you forgive an unforgivable act?” ESPECIALLY WHEN THE ABUSER USES RELIGION AGAINST YOU! For instance, not only did they kill the spirit of the child, but they have also implanted their curses, demons, and abominations onto them, then they turn around and point the finger at the child victim, telling them that they’re “going to hell.” Can you imagine the audacity of your abuser to tell you that you’re going to hell when THEY HAVE CONTRIBUTED to your broken state!? Then, they’ll turn around and preach the good ol’ gospel AS IF THEY’RE SUCH GOOD PEOPLE. This type of thing is what pushes some people away from God because the congregation is just as EVIL as the rest of this GOD FORSAKEN WORLD! (Of course, NOT ALL congregations, but this stuff DOES HAPPEN). The Bible talks about corrupt leaders, so this stuff isn’t new.

So many people are too afraid to speak up for understandable reasons. The counterfeit communal and religious nuts use their position of authority to cover up their despicable actions, and people blindly follow them. You know what’s more sickening? When people know that an individual is a child predator AND THEY STILL SUPPORT THEM AND MINGLE WITH THEM as if nothing happened. This only further gaslights the victims, and THEY WONDER WHY PEOPLE DON’T SPEAK UP ABOUT ABUSE!

Again I have to ask, “How can you forgive an unforgivable act that gives an innocent person, A CHILD, a lifetime of pain?” Doesn’t the Bible say that “God hates those who shed innocent blood?” That doesn’t sound like He’s trying to forgive them. I mean technically, GOD CAN FORGIVE EVERYONE IF EVERYONE REPENTED AND TRULY FELT REMORSEFUL, but NOT EVERYONE feels that way, and once an individual commits CERTAIN HEINOUS ACTS, then their mind is BEYOND REPROBATE. Shedding innocent blood isn’t just about unjust murder, but it can also include when a soulless one kills the spirits of innocent people by ANY FORM of abuse which can lead to substance abuse, trauma-induced mental illnesses, or even suicide. The blood will be on their hands because they’ve implanted so much trauma to the point where the victims have lost their will to live. Although, suicide may be self-inflicted, there’s usually a devil behind the scenes, lurking in the shadows, who has installed their viruses into the minds of their victims. A person isn’t just born into this world feeling suicidal. Many traumatic and awful experiences had to occur to cause them to get to that extremely low point.

At that point forgiveness is N/A (Not Applicable) because THE WICKED ARE NOT and WILL NOT ASK FOR FORGIVENESS! Therefore, they cannot be forgiven because they’re not even seeking it. If anything, they’re looking to destroy God’s children and eradicate the light. You cannot have empathy for a devil because that will be the end of you.

Doesn’t the Bible also say, “We will not suffer for the wicked to live?”

Yup, so there’s no sense in defending or making excuses for your abusers. You don’t have to hate them. You just let them go, and allow the Universe to bring the balance back by way of Karma (also known as “the law of reaping and sowing”). Just stay out the way, and let God handle whatever needs to be dealt with.

There’s a difference between a regular human being who’s made some honest mistakes, and a soulless one who has chosen to destroy innocent people just for the fun of it. Once a mind becomes so sinister, there’s no hope for them because they don’t wanna change. You can’t stop someone from doing what they love, and some individuals enjoy making people suffer for no reason. I know it may be hard to fathom this, but it’s the truth. That’s the type of world we live in, and the more aware you become, the more you allow wisdom to protect you.

Please note that protecting yourself and your loved ones is not only a human right, but also a DIVINE right. Don’t allow any devil to tell you that you’re wrong for defending yourself when it is necessary.

These are just my thoughts on it. I could be wrong, but after contemplating on things for such a long time. This conclusion just makes sense to me, but as always, I am open to learning more things while I’m on this Earth. Overtime, we’ll uncover more, and reach higher levels of understanding. There’s no need to bicker about things when we can simply exercise freethinking and philosophical questioning about life and the spiritual influence that exists. The truth will eventually come to the surface, and seeking the answers to existential questions will lead you to the truth.

Gloria a Yahawa que nos trai el agua.

Why I Kept Running Away From God

Healing From the Cursed Mark of Sexual Abuse

The True Essence of Forgiveness

Spiritual Philosophy: Temptation Was Never Your True Desire

7 Reasons Why People Don’t Speak Up About Abuse

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