Wisdom Confuses the Devil: “Why You Should Not Choose the Path of Evil”

Take a look at how THE WISDOM OF THE SPIRITUAL SAMURAI CONFUSES THE DEVIL in the philosophical dialogue below.

Intrusive thoughts come to mind telling you, “I don’t know why you haven’t turned evil after all the shit you’ve been through. I’m surprised you still wanna be good. Just what the fuck is wrong with you? Are you stupid or what?”

A wise mind responds, “Evil is never the answer. It will only lead to my early death.”

“We’re still living dumbass. We rule the world. We roam to and fro.

“You may rule the world, but you have no dominion in heaven, nor can you ascend, so in essence you’re really not that powerful at all. You’re only powerful in the eyes of those who don’t believe in the spiritual realm, which is why you invest so much into dumbing down the masses. A lifetime on Earth is nothing compared to the length of eternity. You’re gonna be burning for far longer than you’ll be ruling in this era. Since when did corrupting the soul ever do anyone any good?”

“And since when has being good ever done YOU any good? All you get is fucked over for no reason. Why don’t you just give up already and be evil!? I know you’re tired of this shit! Deep down you know you want to!”

“No. Not really.”


“It ain’t in me to hurt others. I don’t care how much pain this world has brought me. I can’t bring myself to hurt people just because I’ve been hurt. Once I leave this Earth my consciousness will transcend into a higher dimension, to the point where I won’t be thinking about my shitty time on Earth. Pain and suffering doesn’t exist in my real home, and you’re not about to stop me from returning.”

The demon growls and grits its teeth in frustration, “There’s just got to be something in you, that burning desire to destroy people. Oh come on! You know damn well you wanna put a hurting on somebody! I know it’s some darkness in you. Dammit! I implanted that shit in you.

“No. It’s just not me. I know I’m not evil. You know how I know? Because in order for me to be evil, I would have to be OK with destroying good people, and I can’t bring myself to do that. Evil people don’t care who they destroy. Some of them don’t even believe that good people exist, so they feel nothing when they hurt them. And if they do believe, then they’ll just view them as easy targets that are gullible, weak, and stupid. I don’t know man. Being evil just sounds lame as fuck. All of this just sounds like some coward shit to me. The only people I’ve ever wanted to hurt were those who actually deserved it, and even then my psychic abilities reveal the future to me when they’ll feel remorse, and I’d rather wish them well and move on. As for those who never repent, I see them turning into demonic zombies, but they cannot touch my God-like aura. I didn’t need to seek retribution when God already handled it for me, so I’d much rather keep walking strait ahead. Plus, I got better things to do then to be concerned about what other people are doing. Now, all I wanna do is give God the glory.”

“I fucking hate you! You agitate me! You’re no fun. Dammit I was hoping to use you!”

“Now, I’m not gonna tell you again… I REFUSE TO JOIN YOUR BITCH ASS ARMY! I know how you demons move, and it’s pitiful and absolutely DISGRACEFUL. I WILL NOT live my life that way. I choose to live HONORABLY despite the pain it brings because that is where true strength is gained. I will continue to fight the good fight. The Almighty Power that Will Always Be is in dire need of some real ones. I will keep fighting for as long as I’m still alive, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me. That is the way of the spiritual samurai. This path is narrow for a reason. It wasn’t always meant to be comfortable, but it sure as hell does feel amazing to live with a clean conscience in knowing that I’ve done the best I could to evolve and enlighten. I can sleep at night despite your attacks. You attack me because you are not at peace. That explains why you keep wrecking mine. At the end of the day, the souls who ascend will reach peace for eternity, and there’s nothing you can do about it. That’s why you rule this world, and you love it so much because this Earthly playground was designed to devour souls into non-existence. That is until our spirits activate, and we restore our connection to the Source of Infinite Life. The only power you have is by bringing others down by weakening and deceiving them. You take advantage of people’s vulnerabilities like the weak ass coward that you are… and you wonder why I refuse to join you. It is because of God that I will always be more powerful than you will ever be.”

The demon was flustered by the high level of consciousness this wise mind had, and it was intimidating him. He just couldn’t reap that soul because the wise mind was far too advanced. This is why the world works so hard to dumb you down and lower your spiritual energy. When you look around, all you see is low vibrational activity that fries the brain and decreases neural cells at a rapid rate.


They want you depressed. It’s easier to control you that way. This world is full of suffering for the sole purpose of destroying souls. At least, that’s what the devil is hoping for, but there’s a way out. The divine light that shines upon the ones who seek the truth and those who go against the corrupted grain this world tries to push us into. Such souls evolve into wise minds that will use logic and wisdom to outsmart the seductive persuasion of demons. It’s not so seductive when you know what’s going on.

The moment you choose to become evil is the moment you have forfeited your gift to live eternally. By choosing evil, you are choosing to go against YOUR OWN EXISTENCE because you would be going against God, which is basically going against yourself. You do NOT want to be on the receiving end of righteous wrath. Being evil WILL NOT make you powerful. If anything, it will weaken you, and eventually, you will be depleted of your own life force because you will no longer be connected to the infinite source of life. Don’t allow the cruelty of this world to push you into a deeper and darker hole. It is best to overcome by using your pain to propel you into evolving into a stronger and wiser individual who WILL use their powers for good. If you wanna fight so bad, go fight the real enemy and become an indestructible vessel of truth in this spiritual war. Fight for the preservation of the light because without it, this world will become hell for real, and hell was never intended for man. God didn’t create hell for us, but many fall in because they become like demons. That’s what happens when you choose to be evil: eternal life gets snatched from your hands. Becoming evil will lead you to misery further down the road. It will be so much misery to the point where no amount of money will make you feel satisfied because you’ve exchanged your peace for it.

We were not made to be evil.
We were made in God’s image.
Never give up being a good human being. Evolve into an empowered individual that reflects the divine light of Christ.

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