The Spirtual Perspective of Narcissistic Abuse

Only survivors know the insidious depths of narcissistic abuse. Even psychologists today still don’t know everything about narcissism, so there’s so much to uncover. This leaves room for analyzing and theorizing various perspectives that can help us bring clarity to such a complex issue. It could also help us heal because you will never get […]

The Power of Fearlessness

One of the beautiful things that come from overcoming traumas is resilience. There’s just something about coming back alive after you’ve spent years staring into the eyes of the most conniving. You will never forget about that hateful empty glare because they failed to break you down. You’ve spent months or years living with these […]

• S O U L V O L U T I O N •

Hatred once brewed within me,I don’t know how I didn’t become evil, as cynical as I was,From all the pestilence spraying across the place,Like the pain when it was laced in psychological torment,Abhorrent acts where the hands squeeze the neck and I can’t breathe,Despite my brokenness the light chose me,As I ran away from it […]

•S I G H T•

True vision,Leaves incisions,That expose the truth,Leaving bruises,Only the ruthless can do this,To release from the institution of mind control,We’ve been plugged into,Awakening from this matrix,Makes you immune to this fake shit,They keep pushing unto the masses to accept it,Deception moves through crevices,Inducing mass confusion,Producing menaces,So we conjure medicines,To aid in the trips psychotic splits send […]

Why I Kept Running Away From God

“Can’t keep runnin’ Awaaay-Ayyy-Ayyy! Can’t keep runnin’ Awaaay-Ayyy-Ayyy!” – The Pharcyde lyrics My spiritual journey in seeking the truth has been a tumultuous one. I’ve been sent into various directions trying to find greater understanding of life and the Universe. It’s so much to talk about, so in this post I’ma mainly focus on this […]