7 Reasons Why People Don’t Speak Up About Abuse

The purpose of this post is to bring clarity, insight, and encouragement for you to rise from the sunken place they tried to bury you in. The only ones getting buried are the wicked soulless ones. This world is already cruel and cold as it is, but there’s still idiots out here who have a lot to say about real victims of abuse. It’s bad enough that we’ve been abused with psychological pain magnified times ten all while having the whole world against us. Imagine going through a war in your mind that you feel so compelled to reach out for help, only to be met up with people interrogating you as if you’re the perpetrator. They’ll ask things like, “Why didn’t you say anything? Why did you let it happen? Why didn’t you leave sooner? Why did it take you so long to speak up?”

Let me answer that for you: BECAUSE IT CAN BE RISKY AND IN MOST CASES QUITE DANGEROUS. ABUSERS INSTILL FEAR AND CONTROL IN YOU, AND IT’S EVEN EASIER FOR THEM TO DO THAT TO A YOUTH. Teens DO NOT have a fully developed prefrontal cortex, therefore they’re not capable of making rational decisions which makes them vulnerable to manipulation. Predators will take as much time as they need to groom their victims only to destroy them in the end, and then they shift the blame on the youth which gives them more grief and despair. This abuse is so insidious because you don’t see it coming from those you loved and are supposed to love you in a HEALTHY way. Most sexual abuse victims have been abused by those they were closest to. It’s rarely a stranger, therefore making the pain that much more excruciating. It is the ultimate betrayal.

Also the LACK OF EMPATHY people have for the victim is sickening. Just because a person hadn’t spoken up against abuse DOES NOT MEAN THAT IT’S ANY LESS VALID. MANY PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD ARE SUFFERING IN SILENCE BECAUSE THEY’RE HEAVILY TRAUMATIZED AND HAVE LIVED IN FEAR FOR SO LONG. In most cases, they’re afraid of their abuser going after them for exposing them because as YOU may already know, the REAL criminals (sex offenders) don’t get REAL jailtime. We’re talking about lives being AT RISK here. It can get crazy too, so stop asking that stupid question, “Oh why didn’t you say anything sooner?” AGAIN, BECAUSE THE VICTIM WAS A CHILD or a teen, and A TEEN IS NOT AN ADULT!!! Why are we questioning youth victims? And even if the victim is an adult, THEY ARE STILL A VICTIM OF ABUSE!! Just WHAT THE FUCK is WRONG WITH THIS GOD-FORSAKEN WORLD!?

Why don’t they interrogate the abusers instead? It seems like they get all the sympathy and excuses in the world! AND THEY WONDER WHY SO MANY VICTIMS AND SURVIVORS STAY SILENT, thus they suffer alone which can lead to many more problems like mental illnesses and suicide. This shit is no joke, and I’m sick of people with their lack of compassion for the REAL ones who need the most love and support. In this post I’m going to tell you EXACTLY why abuse victims don’t speak up or why they delay in doing so.

If you’ve been following my blog, then you already know I’m no psychologist. These are observations I’ve gathered from being on this Earth.

So, let’s go…


More than likely your name was already smeared by the abuser, in order to cut off all the support you’ll need when you do come out. This is a painful aspect of it because they will literally turn their family and YOUR family against you, so that no one will believe you when you cry out for help.

Here’s how they do it: you probably already come from a broken family or have experienced long periods of struggle, but they break you down even more to the point you start losing your sanity. It can get so serious to the point you begin to develop mental illnesses which makes it easier for demons to influence you as your heart grows cold overtime. You see there’s more pain and psychological torment that goes on even after the sexual or physical abuse occurs. The mental and spiritual attacks is the nail to the coffin, and they do this by smearing your name, and turning all your loved ones against you which causes them to not believe you, be in denial, or question your own reality.

Sometimes other family members are secretly against the abuser, but are afraid to stand up to confront them. They too live in fear and are under the control of the abuser due to long periods of brainwashing by keeping the family name “clean.” Then, it gets to a point where you’ll start to gaslight yourself, and you continue to suffer. That’s because you were indeed abused, but they manipulated you into thinking otherwise. This is why most people don’t even bother speaking up because they know that they will be met up with more mental torture, and the victim’s spirit has weakened or it may already be broken. The mental anguish and backlash that comes from speaking out could be the last blow for the victims.

Also, it’s hard for people to believe you when you don’t have hard evidence, and especially if the abuser is a “highly respected member of the household or community.” Some of the biggest devils come in the best disguises. On top of that, you’re probably used to people not giving a fuck, so speaking up feels pointless especially if it brings you more grief. The pain of the abuse was already severe enough only to be met up with lack of compassion and support.

Another thing, men in particular tend to keep their traumas bottled in because people have the tendency to laugh or make fun of men for opening up about their past traumas. Which begs me to question, JUST WHAT THE FUCK IS SO FUNNY!? There is nothing funny about a man being abused, and he is NOT weak for SEEKING HELP and healing. You see, that’s what’s wrong with the world. That’s why some men go loco because they have NO ONE to talk to about their pain. And when they do, they’re met up with ridicule and laughter which triggers them to lash out. Then, everyone’s gonna look at him like “the aggressor.” I’m not excusing aggressive behavior, but it can really take a toll on someone who’s been desperately looking for help, but they can never find it. It’s no coincidence why the suicidal rates for men are very high these days. You can check out the stats for that.


This is when they use certain things against you in order to keep your mouth shut. Let me paint a picture for you:

A soulless one sexually abuses a pre-teen, and he uses his children against her by saying, “If you tell anyone what happened, it’s gonna be your fault that I can’t see my kids! Just ’cause your dad wasn’t around doesn’t mean MY kids don’t get to have one.” Oh and by the way HIS kids happen to be her half-brothers which causes even more pain, division, and a sense of isolation. This prevents her from speaking up because she does not want her own half-brothers to hate her. Abusers will go to great lengths to make sure they keep you under their control which causes the victim to suffer in silence even if it means breaking the family apart. They’ll simply blame all of that on the victim EVEN IF the victim is a MINOR! Also, if the family leans toward misogyny or misandry, the victim will face hatred for being a certain gender, so it becomes easy for others to go along with the injustice.

They use manipulation to keep you quiet. Forasmuch as you want to speak up, the words just don’t come out for some reason. You know why? Because you’ll lose damn near everything if you do, and you will be the one to blame for “breaking the family apart.” For example, maybe that foster family or extended family was the only family you’ve ever known, even though it’s dysfunctional, their breadcrumbing is the only love you ever received. You just wanna be accepted, and speaking up is scary because you don’t know what to do with your life after that. Everytime you wanna speak up, you just can’t. It feels like you’re under a spell, and maybe you were. Either way, manipulation and blackmailing forces the victim to comply with the demands of the abuser to keep their mouth shut, thus preventing them from exposing them. The victim remains in a state of fear because they know they will lose everything if they say anything, and everyone will point the finger at the one trying to save their own sanity.


This could be done overtly or in a subtle manner. Intimidation can come in many ways, but the common factor here is that it is intended to make you feel cornered. It instills fear and reinforces anxiety within you to keep you from running away and exposing them. Exposure is the number one thing abusers fear the most because it will dismantle their operation. When you become such a threat to them, they will go to great lengths to stop you. If the smear campaigns, emotional blackmail, and intimidation tactics don’t work, then they may go as far as to threaten your life, or go behind the scenes to eliminate you. They may either try to physically k i l l you, or they may use witchcraft from a distance. In their wicked and twisted minds, they think that the victim is a “terrible person” for simply standing up for themselves against abuse. You can’t convince me that that isn’t a devil.


Abusers have the tendency to minimize the pain of their victims by constant gaslighting which clouds your judgement. They make you believe that the abuse they’re putting you THROUGH is less severe than what it actually is. They will try to minimize your pain by comparing it to other peoples’ traumatic experiences. They’ll say that what you been through was nothing, and you should be OK with their abuse as opposed to other forms of abuse.

How absurd is that?

That’s the illogical rationality of a psychopathic mind. For example, a sexual predator actually thinks you should be OK with being molested because “it’s not like they’re beating on you.” They may say things like “you act like I’m hurting you” when in actuality THEY ARE. You see, they are programming you to not view their form of abuse AS ABUSE which IS EXACTY IT: ABUSE! Molestation is a form of SEXUAL ABUSE. They are so sick in the mind that they will try to make you see things the way they do, by slowly chipping away your sense of reality by making you believe that molestation doesn’t count as abuse, and that it’s just a “form of affection.” NO, IT IS PERVERSION AND WICKEDNESS!

They break you down piece by piece as time goes by to the point where you become blinded to the abuse, and it’s even harder to detect when the abuse is just mental. Vibes never lie though, but when you’re under that captivity your senses dull out and you start dissociating. Many claim that narcissistic abuse can turn you into a vegetable, and cause your brain to go blank. You end up feeling like you can’t think for yourself because you have been conditioned and programmed by these devils. Victims are also groomed to think a certain way, in whatever way the abuser wants them to think. They will warp the idea of “love,” “friendship,” or “family unity” to keep you stuck in an abusive situation, and they will consider you “selfish” and “cold-hearted” for leaving. Wow! Imagine being called cold-hearted by actual cold-blooded individuals! Lol. It’s the ultimate projection of themselves!

Then, there’s a thing called Stockholm Syndrome which is when the victim is willing to go against their own selves just to serve the abuser. Usually, this is done out of fear, and because they have been brainwashed to such a high degree. They may’ve been groomed since childhood to be this way which makes it hard to break away because the victim is led to think a certain away that ONLY serves the abuser and not their own best interest or well-being. Abusers lovebomb their victims to keep them stuck into that labyrinth, and to make them forget about that fact that THEY’RE BEING ABUSED. Then, they pull the “good times” away, and proceed with the abuse.

Stockholm Syndrome is the reason why victims don’t leave or they delay their escape. There’s a deep-rooted level of trauma and mind control that has been instilled into them. Also, they are codependent and have been trained to rely on their abuser for resources. They may still hold that image of their abuser being their caregiver because they were there for them when they were vulnerable. But the thing is that the abuser never cared about you. They only capitalized off of your lowest point because that was the only way they could infiltrate your life. Yes, these abusers will take advantage of people who come from hardships and broken homes because it becomes easier for the abuser to appear like a savior. This makes the bond much stronger to the point where the victim will only remember the good things about their abuser because that was the person they received the most love from.

Abusers take advantage of people who were deprived of love because it’s easier to control them, and that was probably the only love the victim ever received. They will cling unto it even if it’s interwoven with abuse. They will gaslight themselves and ingrain their abuser’s mantras into their mind which reinforces the idea that the abuse they’re going through is “nothing,” and “it could be worse.” “You better be glad you’re still alive” and “you’re acting like I’m killing you!” The abuser believes that it’s OK to abuse you as long as you’re still alive. Oh look, they’ll even feed you, and take you to a nice dinner, buy you some new clothes, so you can recuperate only to go home and cry again. Oh, but you should be glad that they haven’t killed you… yet. They may do so if you speak up against them and this is why it’s very difficult to escape abusive situations. The fear and mind control runs deep. In fact, it runs so deep that even the victim cannot bring themselves to k i l l their own abuser because they’re afraid and it’s been drilled to their head to view them as their “caregiver.” That is ultimate mind control at its finest.

Forasmuch as they try to minimize your pain, the truth is that the abuse YOU went through IS valid and your trauma IS real because it has left permanent scars in your psyche. Just because they lack the empathy doesn’t mean that your pain is invalid. You know what you’ve been through, and God saw it all.


I have a problem with the term “reactive abuse.” There’s nothing abusive about defending yourself after going through an immense amount of psychological warfare. Of course a human being will eventually break out of character and lash out against their abuser. They’ve had enough of that bullshit!

Then, the abuser will lie to the victim about themselves to make them believe that there’s something wrong with them for standing up for themselves. Oh, because they think protecting yourself is so dishonorable to the family, relationship, or workplace. They will go as far as to try to convince the victim that they are a bad person or a “troubled kid” who needs discipline. Abusive people hide their abuse in the guise of “discipline.” They will justify it by creating a false narrative of you, and letting everyone know how “awful” you are. That way, no one will give a fuck about you when YOU ARE THE VICTIM HERE. They will even set up scenarios to provoke you in public, in order to make you out to look like the “toxic one.” They will push your buttons over and over again to the point where you will lash out in anger and frustration. This is intended to make YOU look like the abuser to outsiders which gives the actual abuser more leverage. This is intended to make the victim feel like they’re wrong, thus making them believe they do deserve the abuse.

They will try this tactic even around other family members or friends to tarnish your character, in order for you to lose support when you look for help. They will trap you into the hell they created for you. Life will feel like it’s crumbling down on you when you’re enduring abuse with no reliable emotional support. This kills the spirit slowly, and the fear they put in you prevents you from leaving. You are afraid of what can happen if you do leave.


This stalking thing is traumatic and it exacerbates the trauma the victims ALREADY had from the abuse they just escaped from. Even after reporting them, and getting a restraining order on them, they will still find ways to find you. They’re relentless in gaining back that control over you. The sight of them and even the places you used to go with them triggers your PTSD. You don’t know what to expect because they may come to you kindly, but their eyes are full of hatred. You know they’re just putting on a show to regain your trust back, so they can finish you off.

They know that you’ve exposed them, and they’re angry at you for saving yourself from their torture. You may feel like you don’t wanna leave the house. You may have to change locks, addresses, numbers, and what not. Those random phone calls could incite rage within because it’s like they’re talking to you as if they didn’t just get done destroying your soul. They will pop up anywhere and you may fear for your life because once they get reported for “domestic violence” or as a “sex offender” for instance, life is pretty much over for them. Even though, that’s what they deserve for physically or sexually abusing someone, and a minor at that, the abuser actually believes they didn’t do WHAT THEY DID DO. They’re beyond dysfunctional to the point where they don’t recognize it as “abuse” because they are just that fucked up in the head.


It could be years since the report was filed against them, and rightfully so because they have actually abused someone. Psychopathic individuals don’t think so. They believe they should be able to abuse as many people as they please, and no one should bat an eye. They absolutely hate those who’ve mustered up the courage to stand up against them because we’ve had enough. That is the path of a warrior, and even a spiritual samurai because some of them use dark psychological tactics, spiritual attacks from their demonic presence, and even black magic against their victim. Their spells may intensify right after the victims leave for good as a form of retaliation and punishment for basically doing the right thing.

They will go out of their way to seek retribution against the victims who got away, reported, and exposed them for the abusers they are. They may try to hunt the victim down to k i l l them, or they may use witchcraft. Either way, it is a dangerous journey full of anxiety and very few people survive through it. Many people’s wills have been weakened by the soulless ones. These devils are vindictive enough to try to take your life all because you decided to walk away from their abuse and exposing the TRUTH about them. They are mad at you for saving other peoples’ lives including children. Behind every child predator demon, there’s a long list of victims, so by catching one you’re saving many. I salute every individual out there who’s catching and exposing these vile fuckers.


My prayers go out to anyone who has had to deal with this kind of stuff. Remember to read Psalms, and always know that evil has a very short lifespan even though it may not feel like it right now. The wicked will expire very quickly and perish for eternity, so don’t you worry. Continue to seek peace as we keep moving on in this healing journey. I hope this helped stop those intrusive thoughts. Please focus on your healing while you’re still breathing, and I thank you for reading.

Gloria a Yahawa que nos trai el agua.
El Señor siempre esta con usted durante estos tiempos dificiles. La fe se pone tibia, y lo comprendo porque yo fui atea. Por favor no abandones la fe porque Yahawa nos trai el agua despues de que el mundo nos han dado bofetiadas. Si hasta Yashua que era innocente lo mataron pero El ascendio y su alma siempre vivira. Igual tambien nuestros alma sera eternos cuando continuamos caminando con El Señor. Aunque no crean, El me a dado el agua que te estoy dando a ustedes para navegar por este desierto donde nuestros espiritus tienen que seguir peleando contra la oscuridad. Pero Yahawa siempre ganara y nuestra alma siempre vivira porque la luz del Señor esta adentro de nosotros. Si todavia estas respirando en este momento, todavia tienes tiempo para hablar con El Creator del universo.

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