12 Years Completed: A New Chapter Has Begun…

First off, I would like to say Happy Passover! I’m not religious, but I’ve noticed there’s been significant events that have happened to me during pre-pesach, a time shortly before Passover, that have made an impact on me. According to the Hebraic Calendar, the new year starts in spring, somewhere in March.

Well, on March 13, 2012, was when my abuser (the fake father-figure who SA’d me age 13) got arrested. The numerology behind this crazy by the way. Ever since he’s been gone, I’ve been able to actually start healing. You can’t heal around those who broke you down, or at least tried to. The dark presence of your abusers stagnates your growth because they’re sucking the energy out of you every day. My healing began to shine through shortly before Passover of 2012, and it was a beautiful time.

This was the time when my writing shifted from odious darkness to uplifting empowerment. This was such a significant shift, and I remember how transformative it was for my soul. I felt like I was slowly morphing into a new being.


No more of this,

Poisonous fixes that only slowly,

Diminish my existence.

That was God at work, and He never gave up on me despite my issues, cynicism, and lack of faith at the time. Now, I can look back at what’s been going on for the last 12 years (from Passover 2012 to Passover 2024), and I’m definitely feeling another shift taking place.


All this time, I thought I’d wasted 12 years of my youthful years walking in circles, moving from place to place, going through tribulations, situations, and strange occurrences, but it all makes sense now. These life events have taught me valuable lessons that college can’t teach me. These past 12 years have been a tumultuous spiritual journey for me, which included the 2 years I spent in agnostic/atheism.

I dropped out of college due to mental, financial, and personal issues. I felt like I was losing my mind with the PTSD symptoms and paranormal experiences. I was also unhealed dealing with spiritual warfare, but that opened the door for me to delve deep into these topics and be able to become free from the bondage of familiar spirits by breaking various generational curses.


One of the greatest highlights of those times was around December 7, 2016, when I reawakened back into “the Faith” from the beginning. Despite the losses I’ve experienced, I had one important person who was emotionally supporting me, my husband, and then I had God providing me with spiritual growth. Together, it made me evolve into the person I am today. I’m very happy to have gone through those 12 years of overcoming various obstacles because it made me seek God more, and divine wisdom began to pour into my spirit, cleansing my psyche and soul. Obedience to divine wisdom is key to true growth and breaking demonic strongholds.

“Many are called, but few are chosen,” as the scriptures say.

Pick up that call and listen to the wisdom. Take heed to life-saving knowledge that will release you from being a carnal hostage. Before you become “the general,” you must adhere to the code of integrity, also known as the Laws of the Universe, God’s Laws. Our past traumas cause us to seek hedonism and unhealthy coping mechanisms as a way to self-medicate. It only leads to more emptiness and depression, so we have to invest in our healing and self-improvement. Your growth may have been delayed, but don’t ever make failure an option!


There is a healing power behind cathartic writing. My therapist confirmed that journaling is like a form of EMDR. I didn’t know that until now, it’s no wonder why I’ve been moving so fast in these therapy sessions.

It is absolutely mind-blowing how I had been led to writing since then and have felt spiritually inclined to use it as a form of therapy to self-heal. So you mean to tell me that I’ve been treating myself to something similar to EMDR for the past 12 years!?

And I thought I’d wasted 12 years of my life not knowing what to do with myself, just walking aimlessly in the proverbial wilderness. It all finally makes sense now.

Since I recently published my book titled, “Broken: Exposing the Soulless Ones by Unmasking the Demons Behind Narcissistic Abuse“. I feel like that marks the end of my past sorrows and the start of a new chapter in my life where I’ll be pursuing higher education, higher than I ever imagined or planned.

Neuroscience has been on my radar. I will be upgrading “the power of the mind” and elevating further my knowledge of the intricacies of the mind, as well as finding the connections between that and the spiritual aspect of our existence.

12 years completed of being in that wilderness,

The path I’m blazing looks clearer now that I’ve accomplished significant healing work,

Freed from mental oppression and spiritual bondage,

Does that mean cPTSD and spiritual warfare is over and done with?

No. These things will always be a part of the human experience.

We must learn how to maneuver and overcome these challenges and use the pain as a catalyst to master the art of self-healing. Without pain, there would be nothing that needs to be healed.

These 12 years of obstacles, psycho-spiritual warfare, and financially unfortunate events have taught me how to problem-solve every time and to always persevere and believe in myself. Greater strength and wisdom came from those experiences where I was laughed at and mocked for not having much materially. Our car was vandalized by an envious neighbor who pretended to be a “friend.” He’s ancient news now.

These 12 years of therapeutic private journaling and poetic writing have increased the potency of my healing. I would go on to write the most emotionally painful and brain-damaging traumatic experiences and bleed it into words as I had tear-filled eyes. I never stopped going no matter how disturbing it felt. I knew in my spirit I had to keep going, I had to release the pain, even if I had to cry as I typed. I pushed through with tears and anxiety.

Then, I would transmute it into writing something empowering and telling myself how powerful I was to accomplish that. I would read it back to myself and feel so much better, like sandbags were lifted off my shoulders. Every time I got triggered with PTSD symptoms or wake up to muscle-jerking, anxiety-inducing nightmares, I would write it down and take back my power by using my thoughts and words which do originate from the mind, hence why I called this site, “powerofthemind.blog.”

Eventually, I recognized the power of prayer and how our voice can elevate the vibration of our home space. This made me want to seek God even more so I can become an empowered individual, not just a “targeted one.” We ain’t running. We have all the power when we grow in faith and wisdom that comes from Divine places, Yahawa, being the one who brings the water, as I say in Spanish, “Gloria a Yahawa que nos trae el agua.”

I would like to thank God for being there guiding me through this journey of 12 years. Major transformation has taken place gradually, and I am very proud of myself. I wish the same for anyone who reads this.


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