Break Free from Unhealed Traumas that Cause You to Remain in Toxic Destitute Cycles

I have no problem being misunderstood. We all have diverse perspectives because our experiences are different, and even if they’re similar, we react differently to them. Our mindsets mold into its own unique shape, so we’re not going to always fit into certain spaces, and we’re not going to be compatible with everyone. That’s just life. In this post I’ll be discussing one of the purposes behind this writing blog, how unhealed traumas keeps us stuck in toxic cycles powered by demonic strongholds, and how to discern between someone having narcissistic traits and actual narcissists who are intentionally abusive.


I share my insight to provoke thought and introspection, so others can facilitate their own healing and evolve. We grow at a different pace because we are going through our own journey that includes many life-changing phases. You can’t force anyone to do anything they’re not ready for. The process of growth is different for everyone. As long as you’re heading toward the rhythm of growth, you are on the right track. Even if you’re not always right, there’s a lot of wisdom that can be gained from your own mistakes and the mistakes of those around you. The wisest people are the most keen observers.

We must extract the wisdom from past traumas to overcome all adversity and obstacles. This includes shining a light on the demonic spirits behind narcissistic abuse because some victims never make it alive. It would be selfish and in vain for me to not share the knowledge I’ve gathered thus far. Also, your testimony is important because it can help others who are going through the same thing and validate the survivors.

Our personal connnection to the Creator of the Universe is essential to spiritual growth. Some of us aren’t there yet. Some of us need more time to accept and receive the Divine Spirit known as the Holy Spirit and the spiritual gifts that Yahshua gave to those who seek the Light. I wasn’t always like this. I used to run away from God, and you can read about that here and here.

We each react to our traumas differently, and our decisions determine the path we’ll end up in. This is why wisdom is vital in preserving your existence. I aspire to know more about this so I can share more regardless of how some misinterpret or twist my words. God is the best source for truth, not that gossip that derives from envy and hatred from petty humans. I’m very confident in my relationship with God, and that’s something no one on this Earth can take from me. The same applies to you if this message resonates with you.


When all you know is pain, sin becomes a treat because you’re desperate for relief. This causes you to become a chronic pleasure-seeking fiend who uses unhealthy coping mechanisms to surpress the pain. There’s nothing wrong with feeling good, but these euphoric activities should not have a negative impact on you and others. You can do things that bring you fulfillment without hurting yourself in the long run. It’s easy to fall victim to an addiction when all you know is pain and you just want to numb it.

That’s understandable.

That’s why I promote the message of overcoming traumas and becoming resilient. Part of the human experience is about seeing how far we can go with little to no resources.

The pain from past traumas is what causes us to go “kamikaze mode” and keeps us “living in sin.” We have a higher chance of ‘living by the flesh’ because we’ve been broken down early on. Abuse leaves an opening for evil spirits to go in for the kill. Demons enter the temple (our body) in the form of drugs, alcoholism, mental illnesses, addictions, spiritual warfare, etc. Remaining in that dark place is what causes us to die slowly, physically, and, in some cases, even spiritually. If you are a sexual abuse survivor, please read, Healing from the Cursed Mark of Sexual Abuse.

It amazes me how some people are disturbed by the survivor’s testimonies, but not at the actual abusers. That’s why awareness is needed because too many victims are suffering in silence without a clue how to articulate or comprehend their traumatic experiences. When left unhealed, this leaves them with the poison the soulless ones spiritually injected into them, and they self-destruct as a result. Too many innocent people are dying by their own hand because of the heavy trauma they’ve gone through and being shamed and blamed by their narcissistic abusers.

My writing has helped people and the feedback I receive from other survivors speaks for itself. I greatly appreciate it and I will continue to do what I do. I care more about uplifting and inspiring people than to be concerned about the opinions of those who lack empathy and mock at the suffering of innocent people.

“Well, you’re not a licensed professional or psychologist?”

Yeah, I never said I was. That’s why I put the disclaimer in previous blog posts, but I am a survivor myself who has gathered a plethora of knowledge that has helped others find a peace of mind.

I’m no professional, but who said I couldn’t become one? Who said I couldn’t start the process?

I don’t know everything and I have no problem being wrong- I look at it as an opportunity to learn. I will not silence my voice to appease those who sympathize with abusive individuals. The soulless ones have already done a lot of damage, and too many innocent people are suffering in silence.

We will encourage others to evolve into empowered individuals. I don’t condone violence, I support self-preservation and the God-given right to protect ourselves. The thing about narcissists is that they don’t make it easy for you to leave peacefully, and this triggers the mind to go into war mode. We need healing so that we can see clearly who our enemies are and be aware of their tactics to prevent infiltration.

The level of neurological and physiological damage narcissistic abuse causes to the mind and body is alarming, as well as the “psychological sedating” tactics that keep you under their spell and control. Some examples of this are Stockholm Syndrome and the infamous trauma bond.

It goes deep.

Deeper than what most people can comprehend.

So deep that even psychologists don’t fully understand the depths of narcissistic abuse. Some therapists even get manipulated by narcissists, and they’re supposed to be the “experts.” Psychologists are still learning and researching about it to this day.

There’s a lot of digging that needs to be done. This reminds me of the conclusion I came up with when my faith returned, “There are certain questions worldly knowledge cannot answer. That calls for divine wisdom.” I was already an agnostic/atheist before, and I’m not going back.

I think a great researcher of this would be a survivor who gained the strength to overcome so much and has took it upon themselves to get into advanced studies on the subject. Not only through higher education, but also higher dimensions of spirituality and consciousness- a neuroscientist who comprehends the microbiological aspect of our existence who is also spiritually connected to YHWH.

You can not use science, the study of the physical world, to disprove the spiritual (meta-physical), which is beyond the physical. Even Albert Einstein believed in God, and as the quote reads below, the more he studied science, the more His faith increased. How fascinating!

Both perspectives (neurological/scientific and spiritual knowledge) combined would form a panoramic view of something so complex. This information can save lives.


Quote from Maria Consiglio

Narcissism is on a spectrum. Every human being is on it, but that doesn’t mean we’re all narcissists. The levels make us vastly different from each other, just like how a slight change in dosage for a pharmaceutical drug creates a thin line between normal and fatal. There’s a huge difference between having narcissistic traits and being a full-blown narcissist.

There are levels within narcissism that go from moderate, mid-range, to high. The ones on the higher end of the spectrum are the malignant narcissists. The highest level leads the individual to become reprobate and soulless. Either way it goes, any level of toxicity is still bad for you, and being around that negative energy will cause you to lose yourself and your purpose in life.

The way to tell if someone is a narcissist is by looking at their intentions- is it pure or malicious?

Of course, if you ask them directly, they won’t give you a straight answer. They will just gaslight you, play “mental gymnastics,” and argue with you to no end until you’re left drained and doubtful of your own reality. You need a high level of intuition and a keen eye for this. Healing will help you notice this clearly and be confident in your discernment so you can stand firm on your convictions. We want to be accurate in whom we should avoid or keep in our lives. This is an important life-skill school that won’t teach you.

How do you know if someone is a full-blown narcissist? Besides what the psychology books already tell us, here’s some traits to look out for:

1. They hurt you on purpose without a cause, so they are very well aware of what they’re doing.

2. Their evil acts are calculated and premeditated.

3. They don’t give a damn about the pain they put you through.

4. They feel no remorse which means they’re highly unlikely to repent.

5. They gain a sick satisfaction from hurting and destroying people who did nothing to them.

6. They dehumanize and spread lies about their victims to justify abusing them in order to run away from accountability.

7. Their pattern of abuse goes on for years/decades, and nothing changes.

8. They make a lot of fake apologies but never change.

9. They don’t care to change because not only do they not see anything wrong with themselves, but they also enjoy the rush they get from ruining people’s lives.

10. Hurting others for no reason makes them feel powerful.

That right there is how you know you’re dealing with an abusive narcissist.


Equip your mental arsenal and protect your energy like it’s your life because it is- it’s your lifesource. Preserve your kindness while becoming wiser. Don’t become like those who’ve hurt you in the past. There’s no need to harden your heart when you have wisdom.

Gloria a Yahawa que nos trae el agua.

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