12 Years Completed: A New Chapter Has Begun…

First off, I would like to say Happy Passover! I’m not religious, but I’ve noticed there’s been significant events that have happened to me during pre-pesach, a time shortly before Passover, that have made an impact on me. According to the Hebraic Calendar, the new year starts in spring, somewhere in March. Well, on March 13, […]


Yeah, we’re all human, but we’re also spirit beings, Your soul is buried underneath the flesh, So deep you can’t even reach it. That’s why you feel empty, Until you starve the flesh cravings, then the spirit strengthens, Allowing you to gain control of your bodily autonomy, Spiritual lobotomy, Released from bondage, A carnal migrant, […]

Detecting Patterns is Key to Healing

Breaking generational curses is all about breaking patterns in your brain and soul ties attached to your spirit. We will be going over the physical and the spiritual aspects of this. The spiritual aspect of things tends to get overlooked, yet it is the most important component of our existence. When you really sit back […]

The Beauty of Karma

There’s just something so glorious about overdue justice. The universe has a way of sending the karma that is rightfully deserved. You get what you put out, that is a fact! But unfortunately, some people don’t understand that, nor do they care to. They’ll say things like, “Oh well, no one’s perfect.” This is true, […]