Shut Down Toxic People For Good with the Power of the Mind

Don’t get sucked into a toxic person’s delusional view of reality. They want to force you into this world that is not real. They want you to exist in a place where you’re beneath them. That’s how insecure they are, and they despise your confidence. Don’t allow anyone to break down your self-esteem. It is your God-given right to know your worth.

The mind is a powerful tool that can be used against you if you allow manipulative and toxic individuals to hijack it.

No more.

Stop allowing people to have power over how you feel about yourself. The negative view they have of you is NOT EVEN REAL, but they want to make it true. And that’s where the abuse comes in. They want to break you down until you fit that shitty description they’ve made of you.

We will not let that happen.

Knowledge gives you the power to never let that happen.

What happens when I accept an abusive person’s negative view of me?

Picture this:

You slowly merge into a cold, dark world where you are nothing. You are to be subservient to them, but no amount of kindness or love will suffice. You feel inferior and worthless the longer you remain their prisoner.

Every foul word they say to you becomes real when YOU internalize it. By allowing yourself to feel down and depressed about their toxic spews, it only gives them more power. It causes their egos to inflate and their delusional world to seem real to them. You made it real by believing in the messed up things they say and do to you.

Every word curse comes true ONLY WHEN you believe it. These things DO NOT come into fruition unless YOU put your faith in it. Accepting these false realities they paint of you ONLY breaks you down and turns you into a lesser version. That is the only way to satisfy a narcissistic soulless one, and even then, they’ll still get bored with you.

Take back your power by not entertaining anyone’s negativity. That raggedy energy is unwanted, uninvited, and uncalled for. Please understand the value you carry and how much power your energy holds. Don’t allow anyone to disrespect your presence with their stupidity.

Don’t let them rattle your emotions. Toxic people only say things for shock value and nothing more. They know that negativity sells, and they’re content with whatever attention they can get. The more hurtful, the better because they want you to believe that about yourself.

Do you ever wonder why they always want to make you feel like shit?

Not only because they feel that way, but it’s because they know you’re very valuable. They know you’re ahead of them, so the only way for them to regulate their self-esteem is by trying to convince you that you’re beneath them. They do this by insulting, disrespecting, belittling, and ignoring you. They can also act passive-aggressive and play little mind games to make you question yourself and your life purpose.

They don’t want you to see yourself the way God sees you. They mistreat you in hopes that it makes you malleable enough for them to control you.

The best way to handle these individuals is by not dealing with them. Don’t give them the time of day. You’ve seen or heard them already.

OK whatever…

The verbal annihilation and psychological warfare they’ve waged gets canceled out automatically when you stand in your power and not give it an ounce of your precious energy. You look them dead in their eyes with a stoic look on your face, letting them know just how much you don’t give a fuck about what they’re talking about.


That negativity will not survive here. We will not allow it to multiply in our minds.


That toxic pestilence is theirs. They can keep that misery. That negativity is theirs. They will not destroy your peace. Let them feel however they want, and it is not your problem. They want to make it yours, but you will not accept that shitty invitation.

No, we’re not going.

You’re not a fan of pity parties. You’ve got better places to go, so don’t let their toxicity move you. Don’t let it infect your energy. Block it with your confidence and by knowing yourself. No one can tell you who you are when you have done a lot of healing work on yourself.

Invest in yourself, and you will start to develop that aura that makes your stoic facial expression authentic. Allow your confidence to intimidate them because they are the weak and insecure ones, so when they try to spiritually attack you, you won’t feel a thing. You don’t feel that chest pain when they talk that garbage because YOU KNOW IT’S NOT YOU. What they say will mean absolutely NOTHING to you.

You know who you are. Their delusional world doesn’t exist because they are soulless. The soulless ones don’t exist because they don’t create or produce anything. They contribute NOTHING positive or innovative to the world, so why should you care about what an abusive loser thinks of you?

Remember, they only feel powerful when they can bring a great man or woman down, so don’t let them. Wisdom will make sure you don’t.

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