The Spirtual Perspective of Narcissistic Abuse

Only survivors know the insidious depths of narcissistic abuse. Even psychologists today still don’t know everything about narcissism, so there’s so much to uncover. This leaves room for analyzing and theorizing various perspectives that can help us bring clarity to such a complex issue. It could also help us heal because you will never get the closure you need from your past abuser(s), so knowledge becomes your closure and divine wisdom gives you the peace of mind that’s been long overdue.

The spiritual perspective uncovers the unseen layers of narcissistic abuse, which we know leave invisible scars. For something to leave invisible scars, that would mean the abuse had to be psychological and spiritual in some form. These are abstract concepts that are unseen, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.


Spiritual energy is present in the body. Just because we can’t see it physically doesn’t mean it’s not there. Most people don’t believe the spiritual realm exists, leaving them with so many unanswered questions and a lack of understanding as to WTF has happened and how to heal from it. This confusion and lack of direction makes the pain much more excruciating – that’s why narcissists never give you closure. Closure brings peace and they don’t want you to have that. They want you to go crazy for them because that is how they control you.

Narcissistic abuse tends to be invisible as it leaves no physical evidence (unless they’re also physically abusive). It still damages the brain and disrupts homeostasis (the balance of your body), which could leave you with physical ailments and medical issues overtime. Stress does kill and that is a fact.

Your energy gets drained. There’s no way to track or measure the amount, but that doesn’t negate the fact that your energy is getting depleted. The mere presence of an abusive individual can cause anxiety to rise which affects not only the circulation of the blood, but also your energy. In Eastern Medicine, they call it “Qi,” then there’s the “Meridian lines” of the body. Both concepts are fascinating to research.

From my understanding, these are energy points and trauma can cause blockages around your body which can lead to chronic muscle pain and stiffness, nerve pain (like sciatica), and in some cases fibromyalgia. It is a known psychological fact that “trauma is stored within the body because abuse impacts you on a cellular level.” I’ve read that somewhere. This can include nerve cells as well.

Neural pathways can be slowed down or have blockages, causing short attention span, mental fogginess, delayed learning, short-term memory loss, and emotional dysregulation. Constant gaslighting for years can cause these symptoms to arise, making it hard to think clearly and make the right moves. It’s easy to manipulate a mind that’s broken, which is why they try to break you – that’s the only way they can keep you.


When we get abused, our bodies can feel our Spirit getting hit. Being in the presence of an evil individual can drain you of your life force, especially when you don’t know what’s going on. An encounter with a narcissist is a form of spiritual warfare because they carry demons within them that they refuse to rebuke because they have accepted them for so long. They become so twisted as they relish in the suffering of others that they become no different than demons. They get to a point where “they are given away to a reprobate mind” because they have used their free will to do evil for their own sick pleasure, causing their mind to become useless.

A person who enjoys hurting innocent people does not feel remorse, so how can they actually repent when they don’t even feel bad about what they’ve done? If anything, they do everything to hide the truth, destroy their victims, and smear the names of the truthtellers who survived or witnessed the injustice.

The longer the soulless ones carry on their trail of destruction, the more abusive and toxic they get as they age. The demonic energy has fermented inside of them for so long, and without repentance, they are going to get worse. So, being around these types of individuals can make you fall ill, go insane, or hit an early grave. Them draining you of your energy through verbal annihilation, body shaming, blame-shifting, identity-stealing, dream’killing, triangulating, neglecting, disrespecting, cheating, love deprivation, manipulating, emotional blackmailing, intimidating, etc… all of this is robbing you of your life source, which makes you age faster. The body is working too hard to keep up, and on a deeper level, your spiritual energy is being zapped out of you to such an extent where you feel dead. The soulless ones want your soul to be dead. They want to convert you to nothingness.

They view your light as a “threat,” so they want to eradicate it because that’s the only way the darkness can shine. The demons inside of them are feeding off of your energy. It’s like having tapeworms – no matter how much you eat, it never goes to you, and your body is left malnourished. They’re pretty much eating you alive because the evil in them hates the light inside of you, which is spiritual warfare – the battle between light and darkness. The envy inside of the narcissist makes them both admire and despise their targets the same way Lucifer envied God. It was envy, arrogance, and narcissism that caused Lucifer to fall from grace because even God couldn’t trust him.


Because Lucifer wanted to take God’s place, and whenever someone wants to take your place, that means they want to destroy you. How can you trust someone who wants to get rid of your existence just so they can steal your essence?

You can’t live harmoniously with a person like that. It was so serious that despite God’s mercy, even God had to kick Lucifer out of Heaven.


Once you break free from them, that’s when your healing begins, but the spiritual warfare still continues because you were left with the residue of their darkness. The malignant ones leave you with a cursed mark to ensure your self-destruction when they’re long gone, and it usually comes in the form of sexual abuse. You can read more about that here. They have left you with a “poison transfusion,” kind of like a blood transfusion, but instead of blood, it’s energy. They have stolen your good energy and left you with the negative – the dark energy they had before is now in you. They have robbed you of your will to live.

You start to experience CPTSD as a result, which includes nightmares, flashbacks, and intrusive thoughts. You may experience sleep paralysis from stress, spiritual attacks, and/or possible witchcraft spells casted against you by your abuser. Spiritual warfare is waged when you decide to walk away from the demon because they have lost their source of fuel. That’s why they rage at you physically or attack you spiritually in your dreams when you walk away. They need you more than you know, and they hate that shit!

Recovering is very difficult in the beginning because you are at your most vulnerable moment. Just breaking free from them means you need to get your energy back ASAP otherwise you’ll be prone to losing yourself and possibly self-delete. This moment is like when you just finished donating plasma, and you need time to recover and replenish – that’s the healing part that you must do right after you escape from them. It is essential.

This is why it’s so easy to internalize the pain from the devaluation and discard – the toxic connection is intense and hard to break. That’s why they lovebomb so hard because they NEED you to be emotionally invested. It’s how they keep you spiritually in bondage to them, and it goes back to generational curses. Usually, you end up with people who are like your parent (of the opposite gender or same gender, depending on your sexual orientation). Not only parents, but it could also be foster parents, stepparents, caregivers, whoever was around you during your formative years. Narcissistic abuse during childhood sets you up for abusive relationships in the future if you remain unhealed and unaware of these patterns. You can read more about that here.


Generational curses continue to haunt a lineage when no one has awakened to the truth about what’s been going on – it’s too harsh for many to stomach that their family dynamic has been dysfunctional, or some fear the retaliation they’ll get for exposing the abusers.

Familiar spirits know your elders and ancestors, so they know you on a deep level. They know exactly who to send to lovebomb and deceive you. The goal of the evil is to trap you, and what better way to do that than to use a distorted view of “love” which narcissists are highly skilled at displaying. They use love as a weapon to bind us to the demon and keep us in the dark. Hence, why they call it being in a “dark place.”

The lines between love and abuse become blurred, so it’s difficult for us to see what’s real love and what’s not. The confusion they bring is insane! Making someone lose their sense of reality is the ultimate psychospiritual murder – this can cause you to fall into the hands of another abuser consecutively. That’s why some people find themselves in relationships with the same types of people who may even be similar to their parents, childhood abusers, or both. It’s time to break free from those toxic cycles. You can read more about that here.


The more aware you become about this – it will alarm you, and it may disturb you. It will anger you. The truth triggers an intense awakening – the fact that these individuals either never loved you, couldn’t love you, or were unable to. Whatever the situation is, forgiveness liberates you from that heavy load. It doesn’t mean you take them back, it just means you don’t hate them, and you’ve chosen to move on peacefully.

Disclaimer: Although I am a neuroscience student, I’m not a doctor and can not give medical advice or a psychological diagnosis. My spiritual perspective is based on the knowledge I have currently. I do not have all the answers, I just like sharing my ideas and insight for the purpose of personal growth and self-healing.

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