Appreciation for the Masculine Light

A little girl was in a room with a soulless adult male relative, traumatizing her with memories that her psyche still remembers decades later.

Then, the door busted open with a man standing, who carried a powerful aura of divine caliber. It was a rarity to be in the presence of a righteous and protective male figure who has keen intuition and is highly aware. He angrily asked his evil stepbrother, “What ‘you doing with her in here with’chu!?”

No response other than nervousness and shame, emphasizing his cowardice.

The man of light carried the girl in his arms, and she was never found in that room again. Even though that moment was short-lived, the divine energy felt by this man was unforgettable, and so this little girl would grow up in search of that same exact masculine light despite turbulent events.

It is a rarity that I greatly appreciate, and I dedicate this post to all those gentlemen who walk with courage and integrity. I have a great amount of respect for decent men who use their God-given physical prowess and strength to protect their households, communities, and nation. Only the leadership of a righteous man with a good heart will I submit to. Glory be to God that I married one.

I also would like to acknowledge those good men I have encountered in my path – the one I came from and even those who’ve just passed by for a bit. I haven’t forgotten those positive and enlightening moments.

After undergoing healing, I was able to clearly recognize those who have carried that pure energy. Particularly, the masculine light that I have always appreciated, deep down, but I kept my distance like a shinobi hiding in the shadows, not wanting to be seen.

I have struggled with trust and negative thinking, but I still had a little bit of faith that something good would come if I just kept going even if I was in pain. I addressed my wounds the best I could with what I had at the time. Writing was my therapy, and it did help me a lot, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t make mistakes which served to be learning lessons.


I admire the qualities of a righteous man who is walking in his royal identity as an empowered individual. They operate off of the instinct of protecting those they love, and enlightening us with their unique perspective and insight. As a knowledge seeker, I always appreciated this aspect of them because it has inspired me to look even deeper into specific subjects. Here’s some traits to look for, and you will know it’s real “by their fruit.”

• Protective, Brave, & Courageous

• Strong Moral Compass and Integrity

• Knowledge-Seeker & Philosopher

• Wise & Insightful – thinks for himself, and is not easily influenced by the negativity of others because he leads himself.

• Confident and Secure within himself, so he shouldn’t be intimidated by your growth.

• Strongminded & Strong Willed

• Always Self-Improving, so he can’t hate on you or anyone.

• Innovative – His innate builder instinct

• Logical & Analytical

• Stands for Justice & Truth

• Strong Self-Control & Discipline

• Empathy & Compassion

So far, these are the traits I’ve come up with off the top of my head, and they are quite admirable. The world doesn’t put much emphasis on this. It’s always about material things. When a man possesses these virtues and traits, the success will come if he remains diligent and consistent. All you have to do is look at his character, and you can determine whether or not you both can build together.

What most people don’t realize is that by looking at a man’s qualities and traits, that will tell you where they’ll be headed towards. He doesn’t have to be wealthy or have six figures already, but he should be in the process of achieving goals and milestones.


I do give myself credit for the healing work I’ve done on myself when no one was around. However, I must also acknowledge the emotional support I have received from my husband whom I’ve been with since November 2015. He has been there for me more than I expected. I remembered that same powerful divine energy when I met him, and I knew he was different. My spiritual senses led me to him and he told me he prayed for a lady 2 weeks before we met. Perfect timing because we were both close to giving up.

I’ve always empathized with others, but I understood early on how dangerous it could be to let someone get too close to me like that. My husband has opened my perspective more regarding men’s mental health and the way the world treats men in general – with not much regard or empathy.

Although, I was already aware of their plight, I gained an even more broader scope of it by being married and seeing the way the world has treated him with such callousness and coldness. It makes me want to be there for him even more because I’m the greatest support he’s got and vice versa. This experience has made me a better woman overall. We both have made each other better actually – that is the beauty of reciprocity.


I want to shift my mind toward gratitude, so as I look back in the past, I have got to acknowledge the positive men as well. It has been a healing experience for me to simply sit or walk next to good men who never intended to destroy me. I apologize to anyone I may have hurt due to my avoidant attachment. My intention was never to hurt anyone. I just didn’t expect a decent man to give a fuck about me at the time. I didn’t expect to mean anything to any man because I was young and unhealed, so I forgive myself for having such a cynical perspective.

On another note, I also forgive those who have broken my heart. Forgiveness takes a huge load off of you, and it propels you to move forward. It gives you peace of mind, especially if these people are no longer in your life anyway. Forgiving is simply letting go of hatred, bitterness, resentment, or any negative feeling you have toward them. It’s not healthy to keep that toxic energy lingering inside of you.

Good men and women do exist in this world. Healing makes it easier to notice real people and genuine love. I’m surprised I can still embody this beautiful thing that I’ve been afraid to experience. You have to recognize your own self-worth in order to receive love. Keep investing into your personal and spiritual growth, and see how far you can go because there is life beyond what we used to know.

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