The Illusory Heartbreak: Narcs are Empowered by your Pain, Now it’s Time to Allow your Pain to Propel You

The mind is a powerful tool that can work for us or against us. There are wicked individuals who seek to program your mind for self-destruction. Your mind is something you should invest in, so never stop learning and keep searching for the truth. In this post I’ll be decoding a few things regarding how narcissistically abusive individuals use heartbreak to instill heavy trauma, and also I’ll be discussing why good people get hit with the hardest blows.

When you are an amazing person, you have a lot to lose, so when you do lose, you really feel it because you have so much stored within you until it was siphoned by an evil force. The reason why they “felt nothing for you” was because they had nothing inside them to begin with. All those emotions you felt came from you because you’re able to cultivate passion and life within you, but they couldn’t and they hated you for it. That’s why they hurt you, and when they did, you began to feel empty just like them, but that was just temporary. It better be. This is why it is important to protect your energy and learn from those painful lessons.

THE PAIN OF HEARTBREAK KEEPS YOU UNDER THEIR CONTROL (so they thought! until you woke up)

Evil forces use heartbreak to break you down psychologically, mentally, and spiritually until you finally decide to give up on yourself. They want you to relinquish your true identity and your connection to God, the infinite source of life. This entire world is like a massive psychological operation designed to test your spirit, and it can get ugly. Sometimes we start to view this world as a sick game, but just like “in a game” we should sharpen our strategic abilities, so we can ensure we make the right moves that will guarantee a victory. Your mindset is key here. The way you perceive things is crucial. Challenges and battles give you opportunities to strengthen your spirit and equip your mental arsenal with weapons.
Wisdom is by far the best weapon of choice that causes spiritual bullets to ricochet against your armor because you know yourself too much to allow anyone to get into your head. They cannot make you doubt your own worth when you’ve built yourself up so much. In every war, it is known that the best way to defeat your enemy is by knowing them very thoroughly.

Now, let’s delve a little bit deep into the mindset of a soulless one, which is a narcissistically abusive individual whose traits are akin to the devil. There’s so many layers to narcissism and the depths of their abuse that psychologists are still researching about it to this day. Narcissistic abuse has the ability to create complex trauma due to the fact that the abuser tends to pose as a “trusted figure” which could be applied to a community or religious leader, parent, caregiver, foster parent, family member, significant other, dating prospect, close friend, etc. When you get betrayed by someone you allowed to get close into your life, and shared personal details with (such as your lifestory) it can really mess you up psychologically. The mental part is bad enough, but it only gets worse the more abusive factors are added into it like physical, sexual, emotional, and/or spiritual abuse. Understanding and clarity brings peace, so you DON’T need closure, especially from your abusers. Allow wisdom to give all that you need to make sense out of the heartwrenching turbulence you’ve found yourself under.


If you’re reading this, than most likely you have empathy, and you know empathy is a gift. Use it to help you discern and read people more accurately and logically. Don’t give your empathy to the wrong people, they will take advantage of it. I like to picture the power of empathy like a “mind-transfer jutsu” if any of you are familiar with the anime show Naruto. Oh yeah, that mind transfer jutsu done by the Yamanaka clan allows you to travel into the mind of an individual, and you can see through their eyes and hear their thoughts.


Empathy allows you to feel what others are feeling, but it can drain you when you absorb it. Instead, use this gift to observe and get a more in depth scope on what your abuser or enemy is thinking. Pay attention to details and patterns of behavior. Understand that the dysfunctional individual’s perception of reality is very much skewed. In their world, they have to make you, the actual victim, be the villain in their story. That is the ONLY way they can justify their abusive actions against you. Since their story is fabricated and they live a lie, well then that means that you must not internalize what they say as if it were true. Their power lies in making you believe their lies are true, in order to make you view yourself in a bad light, so that you can have low self-esteem and be miserable JUST LIKE THEY ARE. That is the truth.

Now, let’s get into why they hurt you the most?

Of all people why did they have to hurt a genuinely loving person who has so many admirable qualities? Why did they hurt you? It makes no sense, right?

Well, it’s not supposed to make sense because the soulless ones are dysfunctional. They do the opposite of what makes sense. That which goes against the Laws of the Universe is out of order, so evil is something that creates a ripple effect because it wasn’t suppose to happen. Hurting a good person INTENTIONALLY is evil and was NOT suppose to happen because it MAKES NO SENSE. Evil acts create a domino effect which will negatively impact others, and it WILL return to the sender in the form of bad karma, the high-interest spiritual loan they must pay for the rest of their life, and/or in extreme cases they may end up having to pay for it with their soul. God would be the ultimate judge of that. In my theory, I think bad karma is intended to be like a form of tough-love and grace to allow that person to learn their lessons since they’ve demonstrated that the only way they learn is by learning “the hard way.” Let’s not be so hard-headed. You don’t want your life to suck.

Now, the thing about narcissistic abuse is that it makes you feel like you’re isolated because you seem to be the only one getting the worst treatment. It can escalate to the point where you feel like you deserve it even though you clearly don’t. This form of abuse goes deeper, as it is also a form of spiritual warfare and generational curse that continues to follow the targeted individual. It can make you feel like you have a target on your back. You’ve probably wondered why you always get hurt the most, or why does it seem like good people get done the worst.

And why you, right?

Why you?

When you are a person of integrity who is constantly evolving in all areas of life, you will stand out, thus you become targeted. They hurt you the most because you are one of the best. Yup, it is because you’re so desirable and attractive that they had to break you down because that’s the ONLY way they could keep you. This says more about them than it does about you. They hurt you the most because in their twisted minds, they felt like you were their weakness, so they thought that by loving you, they’d lose their “power.” Everything is about power and control with them. They’re afraid that by loving you that you would have “too much leverage over them” because in reality you do because you’ve worked on yourself extensively, but they haven’t. Therefore, they view it as a threat. Because they desired you so much, in their minds they felt like they had to hurt you because they view love as a weakness, and they hated it. Hence, why they grew to hate and resent you because of their inferiority complex, they knew it would only be a matter of time before you catch on to their bullshit, and they knew you would leave them once the mask falls. The only way they could “keep you” attached to them is by creating a toxic dynamic where you are constantly running on a hamster wheel hoping they will acknowledge your efforts or that they’ll change one day, but they don’t because all you are is stuck in the same place. The tighter the grip they have over you, the more bored they get until they eventually leave you high and dry.

Because they refuse to take accountability, learn from their mistakes, and be real, they will never be able to genuinely keep anyone in their life. The longer they remain unhealed, the more deluded and twisted they become to the point they begin to lose their sense of reality. They have to make the innocent person look bad to save their ass basically. So yeah, the main reason why they hurt you so much was because of how valuable and attractive you are. Now this may sound backwards but that’s because abusive people are backwards. You can’t expect the things they do to make sense, but it’s important to understand them, so you can better protect yourself.


The heartbreak is their treasured weapon because it feeds their false sense of superiority and it solidifies the illusion that “you need them” to make you feel whole again. Also, this is intended to make you feel like “you weren’t good enough” despite all the things you’ve done for them. This is made to break you into pieces and transform you for the worst. Your potent emotional reaction including your tears fuels their ego and gives them a rush because of the control they have over you. They feel like they’ve conquered you, but at this stage, you become a “broken toy,” so they put you on the shelf until they want you again at their convenience.

The heartbreak done by a narcissistically abusive person is premeditated and done with MALICIOUS INTENT. Do not think they don’t know what they’ve done to you. They are very aware of this. They do this ON PURPOSE to exert control and dominance over you. Those who control your emotions are in control of you which is why going no contact and focusing on your self-improvement is crucial. May this blog help you heal and I really do mean that because I know what this stuff feels like. Once you crack the code to these manipulative tactics, you will be freed, and never will you ever think about harming yourself. Take it from someone who has Complex-PTSD. We defeat the evil with wisdom because once you know what’s been going on, it’s literally impossible for them to break you. You know too much for them to get any reaction out of you. They are dead to you for life, and whatever they say or do has NO POWER over you because you know exactly why they’re doing it.

Their mindset is so dysfunctional that they don’t know how to operate with good character and integrity. Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone will actually take accountability which is the most important step in personal self-development. When a person refuses to do so they will be in a state of arrested development which is pretty much where the narcissists are at, and you know they’re a full-fledge narc if it’s been YEARS, or even DECADES and they STILL haven’t grown, and they’re STILL playing those stupid mind games, using and abusing people.


Don’t waste your time or energy on these soulless people. Go and rejuvenate your soul, and please understand that you’re a high-value person if you have a good heart, and whatever you need to improve on, you can always do so by starting today. Whether it’s your health, finances, state of mind, sanity level, fitness, education, etc. Please do yourself a favor and start giving yourself that love you’ve been giving to the wrong person. All that love you had for the soulless ones, you better start giving that to yourself and focus on your own personal and spiritual growth.

Equip yourself with more knowledge and wisdom, and it will give you peace. You will go from hating them to understanding them, so this will allow you to evolve because the hatred will no longer fester within you.
Don’t destroy yourself. The soulless ones will self-destruct in the end. There’s no need to destroy the wicked because the wicked destroy themselves. All they know is destruction, so let them have it. You deserve better than that.
Go get into bigger and better things.
Allow the pain to propel you, and watch how far you will go.

Gloria a Yahawa que nos trai el agua.

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