Appreciation for the Masculine Light

A little girl was in a room with a soulless adult male relative, traumatizing her with memories that her psyche still remembers decades later. Then, the door busted open with a man standing, who carried a powerful aura of divine caliber. It was a rarity to be in the presence of a righteous and protective […]


I wasn’t lying when I said…I was a broken woman,It may not seem like it,But my spirit’s been bleeding,My love for God & Christ doesn’t seem to suffice,Because I’m unqualified,But accurate visions makes my light obvious, despite how many times I’ve tried to hide it,That’s why I’ve been verbally annihilated by those threatened by the […]

The Spirtual Perspective of Narcissistic Abuse

Only survivors know the insidious depths of narcissistic abuse. Even psychologists today still don’t know everything about narcissism, so there’s so much to uncover. This leaves room for analyzing and theorizing various perspectives that can help us bring clarity to such a complex issue. It could also help us heal because you will never get […]

The Dark Side of Healing

Right when you thought you’ve fully healed, there comes that wave of intense sorrow and rage. It’s no wonder why I keep having reoccurring dreams about tsunamis coming to get me. cPTSD has got us doing 25 to life mentally oppressed and spiritually attacked. We go back to questioning our own reality – back to […]

12 Years Completed: A New Chapter Has Begun…

First off, I would like to say Happy Passover! I’m not religious, but I’ve noticed there’s been significant events that have happened to me during pre-pesach, a time shortly before Passover, that have made an impact on me. According to the Hebraic Calendar, the new year starts in spring, somewhere in March. Well, on March 13, […]

The Power of Fearlessness

One of the beautiful things that come from overcoming traumas is resilience. There’s just something about coming back alive after you’ve spent years staring into the eyes of the most conniving. You will never forget about that hateful empty glare because they failed to break you down. You’ve spent months or years living with these […]

The Layers of CPTSD

Just like how onions make you cry as you slice and dice’em, same thing happens during the healing process, but it’s all worth it. The constant unraveling of layers makes that sorrow feel like it’s never-ending. This revisitation can make you feel hopeless, but don’t be discouraged. The more layers you peel off, the closer […]

5 Ways to Increase Your Spiritual Energy

I’m pretty sure there are more ways to increase your energy, but so far I’ve come up with these 5. 1. Transmute Negative Energy into Positive You can definitely use your pain to propel you. Life will inevitably be full of setbacks, losses, and suffering. We cannot stop it from happening, but we can learn […]

Why I Kept Running Away From God

“Can’t keep runnin’ Awaaay-Ayyy-Ayyy! Can’t keep runnin’ Awaaay-Ayyy-Ayyy!” – The Pharcyde lyrics My spiritual journey in seeking the truth has been a tumultuous one. I’ve been sent into various directions trying to find greater understanding of life and the Universe. It’s so much to talk about, so in this post I’ma mainly focus on this […]

•D E T A C H M E N T•

As the heart rips apart,The pain is excruciating,Cruelty moving through me,Poison that these scorpions donated to me made a home in me,Until my body produced antibodies,That discombobulated what was meant to block me from being alive,Grueling wars aching,Making me nauseated,Lost in a maze of hate from the ungrateful. The psyche getting beat repeatedly,Light depleting when […]

The Importance of Knowing Your Worth

I cannot stress this enough. Please take the moment to allow the title of this post to sink into your mind. Let it marinate. Better yet, let it slow cook deep into your psyche until it becomes a reality. Always remember to KNOW YOUR WORTH. You determine YOUR value, and you have the power to […]

Demonic Possession & Mental Oppression Connection

I know they say that this information is considered “outdated” or “not proven by science,” but it doesn’t hurt to philosophize and have our own perspectives on things. Also, spiritual matters cannot be disproved by science because science is the study of the physical world. You cannot use the “physical” to discredit the spiritual. Science […]

•F L A S H B A C K S•

It’s been since 2009, since I lied in the dark hoping to die one day through hard liquor,From all the gaslighting, causing me to lose sight of the writing on the wall,Appalled by the actions of the fallen,Just when I thought I’ve gotten over it all,Flashbacks come back, to remind me of the past, that […]

•S O L I T U D E•

Solitude is something I’m accustomed to, As intrusive thoughts make its way, Barricading the perimeter of my brain, Making itself home. Replaying the memories I dread, Until I mastered the art of harnessing, These seemingly harmless thoughts, Seamlessly, sleeplessness inspires what I write, Like right now, nocturnal turns all ideas into manifested concoctions, A perfect […]

•A V O I D A N T•

The eccentric loner hones in on the creative gifts they were born with, Despite being torn from past disappointments, Though it may be hard to cope, scoping on the possibility of hope, Social anxiety comes knocking on our door, Me against the world, Overthinking paranoia, Unseen toxic ammonia, Clouding our perception of reality, As we […]

Running: As a Form of Healing Escapism

Just like in that poem, ‘10 Years Ago,’ I was in a dark place mentally, my sense of hope was crumbling bit by bit as the memories of the past haunted me, it pushed me onto the verge of depression. Depression, when you lose sense of existence, Existence feels pointless, The only things that once […]

5 Benefits of Resetting your Mind

There are times we may feel fatigued or burned out, from the everyday routines we stick to, the stresses of life, sensory overload, the redundant work we do, and getting our daily dose of screen radiation from our smartphones and computers. The longer we spend glued to our devices, the more we are being transformed […]

5 Ways Social Media Destroyed Our Minds

Social media has hindered people’s verbal communication and made some intellectually lazy. It’s also become somewhat addicting, creating a vicious cycle of depression, unproductivity, and negative self-image and sense of worthlessness. It has been stated that most people who are addicted to social media tend to be narcissists, or are depressed, and/or insecure. ***Here’s a […]