Appreciation for the Masculine Light

A little girl was in a room with a soulless adult male relative, traumatizing her with memories that her psyche still remembers decades later. Then, the door busted open with a man standing, who carried a powerful aura of divine caliber. It was a rarity to be in the presence of a righteous and protective […]

The Dark Side of Healing

Right when you thought you’ve fully healed, there comes that wave of intense sorrow and rage. It’s no wonder why I keep having reoccurring dreams about tsunamis coming to get me. cPTSD has got us doing 25 to life mentally oppressed and spiritually attacked. We go back to questioning our own reality – back to […]

12 Years Completed: A New Chapter Has Begun…

First off, I would like to say Happy Passover! I’m not religious, but I’ve noticed there’s been significant events that have happened to me during pre-pesach, a time shortly before Passover, that have made an impact on me. According to the Hebraic Calendar, the new year starts in spring, somewhere in March. Well, on March 13, […]

•A U R A•

“Do traumas make you stronger?“ We pretty much had no choice but to overpower, The level of intensity that was being forced against us, To the point we became an even more potent luminescent light, A torch, That set our undying Phoenix spirit ablaze, The pain gets burned by the scorching flames that our auras […]

The Power of Fearlessness

One of the beautiful things that come from overcoming traumas is resilience. There’s just something about coming back alive after you’ve spent years staring into the eyes of the most conniving. You will never forget about that hateful empty glare because they failed to break you down. You’ve spent months or years living with these […]

The Power of Preserving the Light

One of the most disturbing things you’ll come to realize is the fact that there are people in this world who want to destroy beautiful things. They will go to great lengths to eradicate the light because it is something they cannot attain nor create because they’ve chosen to sow seeds of destruction. Be aware […]

5 Ways to Increase Your Spiritual Energy

I’m pretty sure there are more ways to increase your energy, but so far I’ve come up with these 5. 1. Transmute Negative Energy into Positive You can definitely use your pain to propel you. Life will inevitably be full of setbacks, losses, and suffering. We cannot stop it from happening, but we can learn […]

•E U L O G Y•

It’s time to bury’em,No need to dig graves,They already did,Thinking we’d fall in.But instead we ascend,As they descend into the trenches,That matches their stench,Of sulphuric acid and death. God gave us the gift of vision, to see through the facade of these frauds,Who tried to assault us during our walk,From a distance they look amicable,But […]

7 Powerful Benefits of Fasting

Fasting activates aspects of you that you didn’t even know existed. I would like to share with you what I learned about fasting. I started this not only because of the digestive health benefits, but also because I wanted to sharpen my mind, detox my body physically and spiritually, combat spiritual attacks, and to maintain […]

The True Essence of Forgiveness

As I was thinking about the things that have happened in the past, I tend to ruminate a lot about what others have done to me. Lately, I’ve been finding myself writing about those things including my past traumas. Today, I realized something wonderful. As I’m writing and reading it back to myself, I realized […]

Betrayal: As a Blessing in Disguise

As painful as it may be at the moment, your mind will rewire for the better once you fully heal and shift your perspective on betrayal. Your mind will only rewire if you choose the path of light where you will be receptive to wisdom. Otherwise, the darkness will consume you, the lesson will not […]

Become the Master of Your Own Mind

You have the power to determine what kinds of thoughts you wanna entertain. Whether it’s… Good or evil. Positive or negative. Enlightening or foolish. High or low vibrational. Empowerment or degradation. Do not relinquish your power to those who don’t have your best interest at heart nor those who seek to destroy you. Whatever you […]

The Mask Can’t Hide You Forever

The mask portrays an attractive and beautiful face that hides the true identity of a suspected serpent with a smooth tongue. Their charm can be intoxicating, but it’s very short-lived because that’s not who they really are. What a coincidence that they try to be like everything you ever wanted. Hmm, makes you wonder if […]

To Whom It May Concern,

I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read my writing. I genuinely hope that it uplifts you. I do this for a reason. My dreams reveal a lot of information to me which inspires me to relay the messages to anyone who may find themselves reading this. I never thought I’d ever find myself […]


Yeah, we’re all human, but we’re also spirit beings, Your soul is buried underneath the flesh, So deep you can’t even reach it. That’s why you feel empty, Until you starve the flesh cravings, then the spirit strengthens, Allowing you to gain control of your bodily autonomy, Spiritual lobotomy, Released from bondage, A carnal migrant, […]

Prayer: As a Form of Elevating Vibrations

You are speaking things into existence everytime you pray. There’s an unseen phenomenon taking place when you speak confidently with faith over fear. When you think of the spoken word, you can hear it, and the words covey meaning. Since it is spoken, it is indeed a sound, and every sound carries a frequency. Sounds […]

The Beauty of Karma

There’s just something so glorious about overdue justice. The universe has a way of sending the karma that is rightfully deserved. You get what you put out, that is a fact! But unfortunately, some people don’t understand that, nor do they care to. They’ll say things like, “Oh well, no one’s perfect.” This is true, […]

Boxing as a Metaphor for Life

“Protect yourself at all times…!” The bell rings, symbolizing the commencement of a bout, By the end of this fight you’ll know what life is all about, Just make sure you make it through without getting socked in the mouth, Keep elbows down to block incoming punches, possible uppercut, Leave no openings otherwise the void […]

The Scarcity Mindset…

Can keep you from reaching your overall potential. You’ll never know how far you can go if you don’t give it a GO. Our mindset could be the very thing hindering us from our exponential growth. A poverty mindset is basically a mindset of scarcity, a doubtful mentality, where you constantly second-guess yourself. You feed […]


Ride through the storm, Worrisome of course, That it may obliterate my home, Wind soaring through, Huge rain droplets furiously clapping against the windows, Like it knows who’s home, Don’t be overconcerned with who may betray you, A ray of light will open the revelatory veil for you to revel the truth that’s been unraveled, […]