5 Ways to Increase Your Spiritual Energy

I’m pretty sure there are more ways to increase your energy, but so far I’ve come up with these 5.

1. Transmute Negative Energy into Positive

You can definitely use your pain to propel you. Life will inevitably be full of setbacks, losses, and suffering. We cannot stop it from happening, but we can learn how to maneuver and overcome any adversity. The benefit of going through painful experiences is that it can grant you with resiliency when you defeat it. Struggling can teach you very valuable lessons and give you strength that others may not have. I recall the words a man once told me, and it was, “Take advantage of your disadvantages.” I will always remember that, and you can apply that to your life.

We have no choice but to work with what we have, and make something great out of it. Even if you feel like you don’t have much, achieving a peace of mind is an accomplishment in of itself. Once you learn to forgive yourself and others, and detach from the anguish of past traumas, it will bring you closer to reclaiming your power. Our energy is our power, and when we give it to the wrong people and allow the toxicity to fester within us, we are inadvertently giving the devil the power to destroy us slowly. Negative thoughts will continue to have power over you if you keep feeding yourself with insecurities, low self-esteem, bitterness, anger, hatred, envy, and resentment. All of that energy dwelling in the past is not going to erase the pain, so there’s no point in giving it our acknowledgement.

Healing is difficult, but living in misery is much worse. We can’t control the negativity of others. All we can do is proceed to preserve our peace, and focus on our own growth. No, you are not selfish for choosing to protect your mental health.
You block all negative energy that people send you, and continue to live your best life. When you spend time investing and working on yourself, you’ll have plenty of energy to do creative and innovative things which will enrich you and inspire others. You’ll get to a point where you’ll be able to produce positive energy even during the midst of chaos because you are so aware of toxic human behavior to the point it’s too predictable for you to even react. You already saw it coming, so what’s the point of getting angry?

You wanna get to a point where the negative emotions of others has no hold over you because at the end of the day, that’s their problem, and not yours. The way they feel about their own life has nothing to do with you. You’ve done what you’re suppose to do to grow, and some people hate that. Elevate anyway. The most powerful thing you can do is not feed into the negativity of others. Detach from those who seek to bring you down for no reason. Keep walking down your own path and never look back. Allow your past traumatic experiences to make you immune to toxic energy and demonic attacks. You wanna get to a point where nothing can wreck your peace. That is the power of knowing who you are, knowing your worth, and being very close to God.

2. Heal from Past Traumas

This one’s difficult because it’s a lifelong journey, but you will get better with age when you choose to heal. We may not be able to forget about what happened, but we can shift our perspective on it by looking at our lives in third person. We acknowledge what was done to us, then we release and detach from it. What helped me do this was by remembering the fact that I’m not the only one who’s been through it. You’re not crazy, and most people will not understand it either. That’s OK. Let them think what they want. They can’t relate nor empathize, so their opinions shouldn’t matter.

The best thing to do is to take it day by day by gradually letting go of the past. This world is not all there is. It’s akin to a simulation: a battleground where souls meet, and spiritual warfare goes on and on. “El Diablo nunca duerme,” so be aware of demonic attacks. The devil will use your past traumas against you to keep you depressed for as long as you remain unhealed. This will make it easier for you to believe that you’re unworthy. The more you feed into these thoughts, the more believable it is, as it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Your mind is literally at war, so take as much time as you need to recover your mental health.

3. Unplug from the Matrix & Go Monk-Mode

Take the time to go into nature and have some alone time preferably by a waterfront. The soothing sounds will bring your mind into the right alignment. It’s good for clearing out the noise pollution from your annoying daily routine. It’s good to just get away from people, sit still, and relax for a bit. Going monk-mode can mean moving into a less populated area and just being a lone wolf, or it can mean getting off social media and isolating in order to expedite your overall growth. You can use that time to self-heal and learn more about yourself without any disruptions. This is another way to get closer to God, and a perfect time to implement some fasting.

4. Fasting

The purpose of fasting is to detoxify the body, and train the mind to not give into meaningless and fleeting desires. You don’t wanna be a slave to your cravings otherwise it’ll be easy for others to control you. The devil whispers (also known as negative thoughts and stupid suggestions) will be muffled by your strengthened spirit you acheive by elevating your consciousness, and activating the Godly essence within you. This comes from feeding the spirit by way of implementing fasting. I wrote a post about the 7 Powerful Benefits of Fasting. You can definitely check that out to get more information on that. In my personal experience, it has helped me overcome impulsiveness, overeating, and spiritual attacks. It also gave me more discipline, mental clarity, and I felt more in control of my mind and body. Ultimately, you’re training your body to not be a slave to impulses and urges. Mastering self-control will make you unstoppable.

5. Redirect Sexual Energy Toward Productivity & Purpose-Driven Tasks

There’s a reason why the sacral chakra represents sensuality and creativity. Both activities require a lot of passion, and you can’t fulfill your creative endeavors if you’re constantly wasting your sexual energy especially with someone you’re not equally yoked with. Sex can be rejuvenating when doing it with someone who’s aligned with you. That’s why it’s important to be with the right person, and if you haven’t found that, then it’s best to be single and celibate.

Fun Fact: Boxers temporarily refrain from sex when they’re training for a fight. Hmm… I wonder why that is. Oh we know. It’s just something powerful about conserving that sexual energy and using it for productivity, athleticism, and creativity.

Art of any form requires a potent supply of energy in order to manifest that project into existence. A creative vision needs a powerful force to drive the mind to work. Sexual energy is one of the most powerful forms of energy that exists within the human body. This is why when it is rudely disrupted or traumatically siphoned, it has the power to change your brain wiring, and evil people love to use sex as a tool for manipulation. The greatest way to combat against this is by practicing self-control whereby you are conserving your sexual energy for the right person who’s meant to be with you. Sex with the wrong person especially with multiple people can destroy you in all areas of your existence to the point your physical and mental health can deteriorate, and the mind becomes reprobate. Also, you can pick up on bad spirits that person accumulated from their previous partners, and it can began to oppress you spiritually and psychologically.

Conserving sexual energy for productivity will improve your quality of life and sharpen your mind. This society programs us to think that purpose-driven tasks are “lame and boring.” We are suppose to build and self-improve if you want to have a fulfilling and prosperous life. There’s a reason why God is against fornication and promiscuity. It’s not because He wants to “control you,” or tell you what to do. It’s to protect your energy and keep you in that position of power. It’s actually worse to be a slave to your urges because it makes you lose control of your own life. There’s nothing liberating about “sexual liberation.” All it’s ever done was create generations of broken families and selfish individuals who have no care in the world as to how their unbridled actions effects those around them including their own children. It is much more liberating to be free from the enslavement of our flesh, and not allow ourselves to be controlled by urges that will only kill us slowly.

Promiscuity doesn’t benefit anyone: not men, not women. It destroys the individual by distracting them with meaningless pleasure that only prevents them from getting shit done, and it leaves you feeling more empty. That emptiness further solidifies “the void” you may have from childhood which keeps you in a depressed state of mind. You end up losing your energy overtime when you share it with too many people. Sexual energy is very intense, and when it’s constantly being given away, you are essentially losing your power. This is especially true if you’re with someone who is using sex as a means to control you. Lack of self-control can cause you to end up in toxic relationships because that sex addiction will cloud your judgement when it comes to picking the right partner. You end up overlooking serious red flags and putting up with abuse all because of the sex. Overtime this will destroy you slowly if you continue to be a sex fiend to a toxic partner who has you stuck in misery. An individual who cannot be controlled by lust is a very powerful one. Once you master this, everything else will be easy to overcome.

7 Ways to Protect Your Energy

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The Power That Pain Brings

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5 thoughts on “5 Ways to Increase Your Spiritual Energy

  1. Hi! Thanks for this, I love the words “using your pain to propel you”. It’s so easy to get bogged down in the negative things that happen, and sometimes when you are in the moment you can’t see it. I always try to look forward, keep moving and don’t look back until you’ve “made it” or “on the other side”. ❤️

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